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                Sichuan Dingjian Juju Household Co., LTD
                服务热线: 17882470632
                当前位置 当前位置:首页 > 关于我们  > 公司简介







                YOUYANG is one of the furniture brands of Sichuan Dingjian Jiuju Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. YOUYANG is committed to providing professional one-stop furniture decoration products and services for decoration companies, hardbound houses, hotel apartments and other fully furnished projects.

                Company is located in Chengdu city which is one of the furniture basement. Company sets products R&D, manufacturing, sales, installation and after-sales service as a whole chain to make an all format furniture brand. The following two ideas have been implemented throughout in company’s development.

                1, Design and Quality Control: Focusing on products, we have years of terminal sales experience and always stand at the forefront of the market to maintain keen market insight, which is the guarantee of the company's strong product strength; Pay attention to quality. Quality comes from details, the rationality verification of product R & D and the strict control of production and packaging, and also from the professional training of transportation, installation and after-sales links. Every link starts from details to ensure quality.

                2, Continuously improve the after-sales service system: customer satisfaction comes not only from excellent products, but also from professional and timely after-sales service; The company is committed to building a localized after-sales service system. At present, the company's after-sales service system is all over major cities in Southwest China and is expanding. A strong after-sales service network is the most powerful guarantee for customer satisfaction.

                "Quality life and considerate service" is the original intention of YOUYANG people; To be the most professional and considerate partner of the whole house furnishing is the career that YOUYANG people have been pursuing







                Work Together And Move Forward Bravely

                • 地址地址:成都市天府新区羊安工业园
                • 热线电话热线电话:17882470632
                • E-MailE - Mail:2745983909@qq.com
                • 公司名称公司名称: 四川鼎建久居家居有限公司


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                • 从四川鼎建久居家居有限公司出发
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